2018 June Summer Media Camp

The Beargrass Media and Highlands Community Ministries June 2018 Summer Media Camp 

Held at Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church June 11 – 15, 2018

The Camp featured 13 students rising into grades 6 – 9.  the camp was led by Patrick Fitzgerald and Jon-Mark Sandquist.  The syllabus guides students through learning how to write, record, edit, and publish videos. 

The Camp began by breaking into 2 groups and making “Icebreaker Videos”.  The videos serve to be an icebreaker in getting students to learn to work together on projects nd get to know each other, but they also each contain at least one of each of the main camera angles that students will use the rest of their filmmaking career like wide shots, mid shots, close-ups, cut ins, etc.   An icebreaker video comes with a very detailed screenplay that prescribes each shot and camera angle.  After recording the raw material, the stidents are guided through a crash course in video editing that ends up with a finished video in about 2 hours. 


The Boxkeeper

If you were feeling down, and sad violin music was playing, and you could make one phone call to a shady character named “The Boxkeeper” who could efficiently deliver a mysterious package that would make everything better, you’d do it, right?  Lachlan did, and he was not disappointed.  It pays to know people. 


Apple Call

2 hungry boys make a phone call to a dude who who can hook them up with apples, but they get delivered in a very unconventional way.  Many apples were harmed in the making of this movie, but Blake and Tate don’t seem to mind…


Breakout Sessions

In breakout sessions, we broke into 4 smaller groups.  The groups were led by Patrick FItzgerald, Jon-Mark Sandquist, Lucy Fitzgerald, and Kiara Gross.  (Lucy and Kiara are 19 and 16 respectively and both great at making videos.)  Each group was given a script with very little direction on how to break the script into shots, camera angles, etc. The students gave a lot of input and figured it out with the help of their group leaders.  Here are their finished pieces.



Mr. Nice Guy

What if a guy who had pushed you around for a long time was just misunderstood?  You never can tell with people.  Jon-Mark led Orin and Lachlan through this exercise.


Neighborhood News

It’s summer in the neighnorhood, and that means it’s time for the annual scooter races.  Blake and Tate tell report on this exciting sports story.



At the after school program, there is an epic game of Scrabble, and the winner gets to eat dinner first. Kosmo, Kenny, and Avery battle it out to the ending(s).




Banana Pickle

One of the world’s most delicious foods is also one of the funniest.  Amauri gives the history of this unique delicacy.




On Wednesday, we took the students down to the WHAS TV studio.  Angela and Renee gave us a great tour of the studio, control room, and the kids got to do some reporting from the “Great Day Live” set. 


24 Hour Film Project

The kids were given 4 prompts and asked to make a movie in 24 hours. (Which was actually about 8 hours of camp time.)

Character: Dr. Flynn Walters

Prop: Smarties

Line of Dialog: But that’s impossible!

Genre: Random by team drawn from a hat


Mission Unsolvable


Super Smarties


Paper Wars

