The Bloom Report is a weekly broadcast recorded at Bloom Elementary in Louisville, Kentucky. The Bloom Media Club was started by Patrick Fitzgerald in the fall of 2009. Patrick directed the club for 5 years, then Jon-Mark Sandquist led the club for the next 5 years. Beginning on January 2020, the Bloom Media Club is back, led by Patrick and Jon-Mark together. Same bat time, same bat channel. Since the club has been around for such a long time, it has its own web site, which is linked below. All of the episodes are linked on that web site. BUT, we often have skits in the middle of a Bloom Report that we post individually. Those are posted directly below the Web Site link.
Bloom Media Club Web Site
Episode 2 – There are STILL a lot of things in the world, and there are a lot of places; however…
If the word Blitz does not make you think of football, you are not paying attention. This episode is all about the Super Bowl!
There are a lot of things in the world, and there are a lot of places, but there are some things you don’t want to put in certain places…
What’s up with everyone’s favorite snack anyway?
This is a story about 4 girls from Bloom who were in the Louisville Ballet’s production of the Nutcracker.,
She is Back, and she is not playing around!
Ever wonder about snowflakes? What’s up with THAT?
Who’s got time to go to the Dentist? You should try calling “House Calls”.
It’s a new Era on The Big Bloom Blitz! Welcome Liza as she grills Bloom’s Best Brains on Parts of Speech.
She’s Baaaack! And she has some very strong opinions on your outfit.
Eventually, the torch passes from one bird to another.
The Constable – Episode 1
Some people love to be in charge
Bright as the Sun
It has been in the news, and most people know not to look directly at it.
March 22.2024
For Women’s History Month, the Bloom Report did a story on pioneering computer programmer Grace Hopper.
The Imaginator always keeps us on our toes.
The Big Bloom Blittz always has a big ending, but this one surprised even us… and we wrote it…
Kids in Motion – Blanket Rides
Story on Pet Thearapy – KY WAGS
Sometimes your new job is not all it’s cracked up to be.
The Finder – Episode 1
It’s not really that he finds things, it’s that he knows where things are…
Let’s face it, sometimes technology can be challenging.
Today on Kids in Motion, Kid Tossing!
We have fun in the credits sometimes
When you get three wishes, it is best to be careful what you wish for.
We’re just going to have to face it, we can’t do everything we used to…
Some people are superfans, but others…
Ever notice the brightly colored bench on the Bloom playground? Ever wonder what it is for?
For the chance to win a Halloween Pencil, just answer questions about scary movies, or maybe your darkest fears will be revealed.
She’s Baacckk!
On Friday the 13th, we explored various myths and discovered that it is bad luck to be superstitious.
She imagines things, and they turn real. She has no idea…
A simple misunderstanding couldn’t be that bad. Maybe…
They say to be careful what you wish for. Ever want to disappear for real?
It has been a good run, but all hosts of the Big Bloom Blitz must phase out. Who will be next?
Sometimes you are dying to know what’s in the bag. Will you regret finding out?
What do all of our faces have in common? How are they different? Check it Out!
What kind of Love Letter will YOU receive for Valentines Day?
When your mom packs the same boring lunch every time, it can cause a lot of drama.
Patience Now
Sometimes a protest in front of the school needs to be covered as a special breaking news event… IMMEDIATELY!
Bully Busters:
When three students decide to take on a cheesy internet meme with an equally cheesy parody of said meme.
Big Bloom Blitz Holiday Edition:
What happens when your dream job looks like it might be achieveable? You take lots of notes, most likely with a special pencil.
Episode 2 of the fascinating documentary of the Magician who had it all and lost it. Sometimes you take a bite out of life… and sometime life takes a bite out of you.
Are you good at Hide and Seek? How good?
If you were really fast, would it become a burden?
What could YOU do with 30 seconds?
What if everything you imagined came true? Would that be a blessing or a curse?
Big Bloom Blitz – October 13, 2022
Feats of Skill October 13, 2022
The Great Fracasso – October 7, 2022
Feats of Skill Martial Arts Chop – February 11, 2022
Express Yourself – Episode 1 – 2022-02-01
In a Nutshell – Episoide 1 – 2022-02-01
Come on Up to the House – Change 2022-01-16
Wyatt, Izzy, Evan, and Carrol tell us how to go about making a change after the new year.
Our Pets – 2022-01-16
Charlie, Faye, and Joaquin tell us about their beloved pets.
30 Seconds Street – Legos 2022-01-16
Graham and Henry find a creative way to clean up a mess.
Completely UNtrue – Artificial Turf – 2022-01-06
Will Crabtree explains all about artificial turf… until Adelaide Roederer hijacks the segment.
Fresh Coat of Paint – 2022-01-06
An ensemble cast tells how to give your attituide a fresh coat of paint.
Feats of Skill – Tall Glass of Water 2022-01-06
An ensemble cast shows how to pour a tall glass of water.
Come on Up to the House – 2021-12-12
Quinn, Lilly, and Max give some perspective on giving others the benefit of the doubt.
A-Z Games 2021-12-12
Celia, Finn, Will, Betty, and McKenna take up from A-Z on games.
Kids in Motion – Sock Sliding
Several kids see how far they can slide on the floor with their socks.
Anchor Segments recorded remotely:
We end up with three scenarios for anchor segments:
- The two anchors are in separate locations, and we edit it together using some split screen:
2. The two anchors are in the same space, but they do not memorize the whole script. We mix shots of both anchors and close up shots to keep the timing tight.
3. The two anchors are in the same location but have memorized the whole script and get through it in one take.
Bloomco SockSeed Commercial – 2021-04-21
Celia Maudlin, Liam Stallard, Josie Wuetcher, Margaret Burch, and Jude Tasman tell us all about Bloomco’s newest product “Sockseed”.
Heavy Downbeat – March 28, 2021
Alice Wilcox, Cole Tolfo, Willa Frankenberger, and Adrian Powell, test out the theory of just how heavy certain types of music are.
The Plant Whisperer – Episode 1 – March 2021
This year, the Pepper Channel introduces us to a woman with a green thumb and a magical voice. It’s the Plant Whisperer.
Check it Out – The Arts – March, 2021
Katherine Beaton, Jude Tasman, and Imogen Day explore what is meant by the Arts, what place it has in Louisville and what place it has in your life.
Social Grace – Episode 2 – February 2021
Grace runs a video blog from her bedroom, and she loves to reminisce with her besties as well as trash her enemies. Jimmy runs the tech portion of the show, and Grace is in rare form. What light from yonder window breaks? It is Grace, and she is sassy, so get used to it.
The Dancing Chef
On February 1, 2021, we released a new character to the Bloom Report. Love to dance? Love to cook? Then you will really love Katherine Beaton as The Dancing Chef. Remember, the food you put in your mouth feeds your body, but the dance you put in your food feeds your soul.
Big Shot
Gina Franck has worked out a series of trick shots with a ping pong ball. Eventually, though, someone always comes along to try to cast shade on the process.
The Lion King Junior
In 2020, 50 or so Bloom Students prepared a performance of The Lion King Junior. They were set to perform on the third week of March, but the pandemic hit the week before, and the performance was canceled. BUT, a few days before school shut down, there was a school assembly where they performed “The Circle of Life” and “Hakuna Matata”. Jude Tasman did a report on the Bloom Report in January, 2021.
Bloomco Shadow
What if Bloomco created another “You” that always knew to do the right thing? Would that really be a good idea? It’s the Bloomco Shadow.
Big Bloom Blitz – December 21, 2020
Memphis is back from anger management counseling and back on line. But maybe she is not the one we need to worry about this time.
Social Grace – December 2020
Grace runs a video blog from her bedroom, and she loves to reminisce with her besties as well as trash her enemies. Jimmy runs the tech portion of the show, and Grace is in rare form. If only her mom would keep in line. But Grace is sassy, get used to it.
Cross Connections
Four students come to realize that their houses are connected in a bizarre way. The culprit turns out to be a long-time nemesis, but the end is in sight.
RTX – Part 1 – May 23, 2020
Is it May already? I have no idea what day it is. Of course X is the Roman Numeral for 10, and (Spoiler Alert) this is the TENTH time the techs have taken over the Bloom Report. It began in 2011 with Revenge of the Techs, which has come back by popular demand every year since. Techs are essential workers. Much love and respect!
RTX Part 2 – May 27, 2020
When we last left our show, the Pepper Channel Vice President was conspiring with the techs to take over the Bloom Report. They had put monkeys everywhere on the show, used the Bloomco Portal to pass secret notes, and literally marked their territory all over the streets. And now, the exciting conclusion to R T X. (We join the next Bloom Report in Progress. )
Completely Untrue – Paper Clips
Did you know that the first Chinese Emperor declared the paper clip as the official clip of the Chin Dynasty in 220 BC? Of course not, because it is… COMPLETELY UNTRUE! FInd out more non-facts about paperclips.
Hearty Valley
(Mockumentary) After a horrible accident at the Hearty Valley Pancake Mix factory, this little sleepy town was thrust into the headlines.
But the kids of Hearty Valley are resilient, and they fight back, because they are #heartyvalleystrong, (This is version 2 with a couple improvemengts and tweaks to the originl version.)
Check it Out – Books
When you go to the library to borrow a book, they actually call it checking it out.
Chalk Art
When Moirs Karr walks down the street, she sees amazing creations right on the sidewalk.
The Dream Counselor
When she first started her counseling business, she had a lot of clients. But once everyone started staying home, she had to completely switch her business model. Now she does all of her counseling on-line or through video chats. It took a while to get used to, but it has become the new normal.
Social DIstance Police and Big Travel
With more time on her hands, the Bloom Elementary neighborhood busybody has found a new job. More of a hobby, really. We can’t be doin’ that.
Trees of Life – April 11, 2020
Our current crisis can at times appear eerie and bizarre. Streets are empty and quiet, schools are closed, and almost all churches are empty. What once would have been considered extreme is now commonplace. But nested inside this surreal landscape are glimmers of life, hope, and resilience. And whatever need we have, it is as if the plants themselves are rallying to say we will get through this together.
Check it Out Faces – April 11, 2020
Do you recognizes these faces? You’ll never know unless you check it out.
Bloomco Portal – April 3, 2020
Here at Bloomco, our scientists have been working around the clock to take “over there” and turn it into “right here”.
Big Bloom Blitz – March 27, 2020
Contrary to what was stated on the previous episode, this IS a call-in show. Someone might have to eat their words, and they may even have to spit them back up.
Stupid Toe – March 27, 2020
While it is about a toe, and it is most certainly stupid, this little tale is actually about 2 girls with active imaginations who are willing to entertain an idea that it just might be worth while.
Kids in Motion – March 20, 2020
This episode is about how high kids can jump, but has a special guest appearance from a non-person.
Taekwondo Waffles – March 13, 2020
Here is a fun video about how Martial Arts can help your nutrition.
Autocorrect – March 13, 2020
Younger kids are so annoying, and autocorrect is not always what it’s cracked up to be. It’s hard to get your work done when you are right next to the peanut gallery. You might even have to resort to archaic practices.
Feats of Skill – March 6, 2020
Sleight of Hand – March 6, 2020
Ever see one of those mind-blowing card tricks? Well buckle your safety belts, because THIS trick is going to throw you for a loop.
Big Bloom Blitz – February 27, 2020
It’s the show where Bloom’s best brains battle for a big bonus. You could win a pencil, or you could lose everything.
Drama School – February 20, 2020
Some people wouldn’t be caught dead in last year’s clothes.
30 Seconds Street – February 14, 2020
The Standoff: February 6, 2020
The kids were informed by the school cafeteria that there wasn’t enough dessert for everyone. And THAT is where our story begins. The group that goes to lunch first gets dessert. But how will they decide, and who will prevail?
Magic Phone: January 27, 2020
It’s all fun and games until you get hoist by your own petard.
In 2016, a couple cool chicks went to the Nitty Gritty to do a fun story
Here are a couple old episodes linked directly on this page.
In April 2014, Orin Sandquist and Leo Wagner got “Lost” while roaming the hallways of Bloom.
In 2012, Ella GOrstein was Lucky Girl