2018 48 Hour Film Project
Love Citation
Our required prop was a spatula, our required line of dialog was “That’s what they told me”, and our required character was Jesica or Joshua Frederickson, an inspector. Our team drew “romance”. Our team was given the award “Best use of Line”.
Here is the trailer for the Beargrass Media 48 Hour Film called Love Citation.
2017 48 Hour Film Project
Here is the Beargrass Media 48 Hour Film for 2017 called Paddlewheel.
In preparation for the 48 hour film fest this weekend, the Beargrass Media team got together and made a warmup movie on Wednesday night. Now everyone has worked together before, and we all speak roughly the same language. And we made this cute little 3 minute story called “Squoze” (or is it “Squeezed”?). We are officially ready for the weekend!
2016 48 Hour Film Project
So proud of the movie our Beargrass Media team made for the 48 Hour Film Project this year. It is called Cupid’s Arrow. It features Zoë Peterson, Torion Gore, Lucy Fitzgerald, Lilly Rich, Miana Smith, Everett Quiggins, Sara Montoya-Obando, Ruthie Belza, Owen Fitzgerald, Mae Harrell, Ike Harrel, andJennifer Starr. Amy Gant Fitzgerald and I made this with the help of Herschel Zahnd as our drone pilot, and Tim Kelty, Marty Purdy, abd Jim Becker as fabulous musicians. Thanks so much team for an Awesome Experience! Let’s do it again next year.
Beargrass Media’s Trailer for the 2016 year’s 48 Hour Film Project. The movie is called “Cupid’s Arrow”. It features Torion Gore, Zoë Peterson, Lucy Fitzgerald, Lilly Rich, Miana Smith, Everett Quiggins, Sara Montoya-Obando, Ruthie Belza, Mae Alice Harrell, Owen Fitzgerald, Jen Starr, and Ike Harrell as Cupid. Amy Gant Fitzgerald and I shot this movie with these amazing teens, and the weekend was super relaxed and fun, despite the 100 degree heat. The youth were all troopers and amazing. What a great experience!
Thanks to Tim Kelty, Jim Becker, and Marty Purdy for creating the soundtrack with us. Thanks to Billy Seckman, who let us use his beautiful coffee shop called “Bean”. And special thanks to Herschel Zahnd for being our awesome drone pilot!
In preparation for the 48 hour film fest this weekend, the Beargrass Media team got together and made a warmup movie on Wednesday night. Now everyone has worked together before, and we all speak roughly the same language. And we made this cute little 4 minute story called “The Great Outdoors”. We are officially ready for the weekend!
2015 48 Hour Film Fest
This was our film called “Don’t Hold Your Breath” featuring Lilly Rich, Lucy Fitzgerald, Zoe Peterson, Torion Gore, and Shanon Bradley as office co-workers in a Buddy Film. Also featuring Owen Fitzgerald, Mae Alice Harrell, Riley Fitzgerald, Zoe Hall, Mark Forman, Moses Forman, and Jacob Forman.
This film was selected for the “Best Of” screening for the 48 Hour Film Fest, and the kids received an honorable mention for acting.
Music by Patrick and Chris Fitzgerald.
This was our 2015 48 Hour Film Fest Icebreaker Video. To get familiar with each other, we got together the Wednesday before the 48 Hour Film Fest and made this short video called “The Apology”.
2014 48 Hour Film Fest
This Silent Film is called “All in the Delivery”.
2013 48 Hour Film Fest
This film is called Win, Lose, or Draw.
2012 48 Hour Film Fest
This film is called Fool Me Twice
2018 48 Hour Film Project
For the 7th straight year, Beargrass Media will be competing in the 48 Hour Film Project. We feature a cast of all youth and have many tech, editing and musician roles done by youth as well. If you are a new or returning member, please read the content below for details.
To let us know who’s in, and what times you are available. Please fill out this signup genius with your available times. The more times you are available, the bigger potential parts you will be eligible for.
Our past entries in the project are linked below on this page. Here’s generally how it works:
The film making weekend this year is Friday July 20 – Sunday July 22.
A few weeks before that date, we get commitments from team members who wish to participate. This includes, actors, camera and sound crew, musicians, and editors. If time permits, The week leading up to the competitions, we will get together and make a short video on a deadline to get our roles and responsibilities lined out and figure out how we are going to work together.
On Friday, July 20, the team leadership (Patrick Fitzgerald and Amy Fitzgerald) will attend the kickoff event where we will receive the 4 elements: The required prop, line of dialog, the character, and we draw 2 genres. We select a genre and go back and start writing and casting. We send out a late night or early morning emailto the group to let people know their assignments. We’ll have a team meeting at 9 AM on Saturday to do a table read of the script and begin filming. Any parent who are able to transport kids to and from filming locations are very welcome to attend and assist on shooting locations. Obviously, we have no idea of shooting locations until the last minute.
We wil record as long on Saturday as is required, and if necessary, we will pick up shots we missed on Sunday morning. Musicians will have 2 potential recording times: Saturday evening and/or Sunday morning, but it will be very fluid.
As we record, we will start to have team members organize and name clips and possible even edit scenes. We will edit Sunday all the way up until we are done or we need to turn it in. The films are due at 7:30 PM at Molly Malone’s on Bardstown Road.
And don’t forget paperwork. As you arrive for production, we will make sure you sign paperwork that gives up permission to use your acting, music, or creative editing for our project.
We will also make a movie trailer, a movie poster, and maybe T-shirts. So the work does not end when we turn in the film. The Films will preview at the Village 8 Theater on Thursday, July 26. These showing often sell out, so as soon as tickets go on sale, you will want to snap them up. As well as awards given out by the judges for best film, use of prop, use of character, etc., there are audience awards as well, so our attendance is critical to doing well in the audience awards.
So please fill out the signup genius, watch your emails, and hold on to your hats. It’s going top be an awesome weekend. Let’s get out there and make a great movie!